If you've been looking for a sign, this is it...

Finally, A Speaking and Branding Workshop for Educators! 

Building your Brand Identity and speaking it anywhere, from live presentations to building social content that sticks and gets the results you want! 

This 3 hour Master Class will give you the foundation and head start you need to 

  • Authentically Connect
  • Grab attention
  • Create Engagement
  • Gain Followers

I've attended hundreds of speaking, marketing, and branding events over the last few years...

Lately, I am finding that big price tags don't always stack up with the quality of content and learning, which is exactly why I've decided to update an  Online Master Class of STAGES called The STAGING METHOD. 

Inside the workshop, I will be revealing the exact, simple STAGE by STAGE process I use to achieve authentic and connective speaking, building your unique brand as an educator, and developing a plan that secures your bookings and gives you the confidence to speak, market, and educate your passions. 

So What Is Going To Be Covered In this Live 3 Hour Workshop? 


The STAGING Method: Building the brand Identity that separates you from other educators, your personal brand contribution, your services or products, and your company. 


Brand ME Market with confidence: Develop brand content that speaks to your brand and your ideal client you want to attract and grow them to the next level. 


Expanding Your BEaUty Brand: Defining your STAGE of Business so you can focus on the right marketing for your business without overwhelm! 

Ready to learn more? Hit the button below and enter your details to learn how to secure your seat to this incredible live online workshop!

Copyright 2020- Bonnie Bonadeo, Training and Coaching, Brand Me Marketing and Branding Agency - All Rights Reserved.